This article provides short guides on how to invite multiple users to the LRI platform in the User Self-Service Management Portal (CIAM).
Tip: To know how to invite a single user, check the article How to invite a single user.
Step-by-step guides
Invite multiple users
Sign in to the Portal, and then do the following:
1 On the home page, select Invite users bulk.
2 On the Bulk invite pane, select Organization users and attach the CSV file with information about users you want to invite.
Note: The file should contain the following fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Roles
- Custom attributes
Tip: To download a CSV template, click the Need help? button, and then click the Download sample CSV button in the Bulk Invitation Help window.
3 Ensure that that the Send invitation mail toggle is turned on and click the Send invitation button.
Note: Depending on the number of new users, the process may take up to 30 mins.
Complete the registration
1 The users you've invited will receive an email with the invitation link from Munich Re Customer Identity Access Management Service - Munich-MR ( The subject of the email is Munich RE Account Registration with Application Access.
Tip: If the email doesn't pass the spam filters, add this domain to the organization's allowlist. Also, you can create and share the invitation link manually. For details, see the article How to check the invitation status and re-invite the user.
2 To complete registration, the invited users must enter a verification code sent in the email, and then fill in their names and set passwords.
Note: The invitation link is valid for 21 days. If the user tries to register after this time, the client administrator must re-invite the user.